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Syllabus 2016-2017


Course objective:

The course will be divided into two competencies:

  • Competency I: Creates personal and media images: Students explore ideas, learn to transform gestures (use techniques such as drawing, painting, printmaking, carving, assembling, etc.) to create personal images.  Through this process they will learn the elements of visual arts language (color, value, hues, line, form, negative space etc.).  Students will learn to transmit messages through art.

  • Competency II: Appreciates images: Students will develop their critical judgment and their aesthetic awareness through examining images by artists throughout history and through sharing, and appreciating each other works.


Class Materials:

The school supplies some of the materials with the help of the school fee for Visual Arts.  Students will also need the following supplies:


  • A 9” x 12” (22.8 cmx 30.5 cm) spiral bound sketchbook.  24 pages minimum.

  • A set of graphite drawing pencils.  Minimum range of 2H-6B.

  • A set of colored pencils (36 colors)

    • Recommended brands: Prismacolor, Derwent, Faber-Castel, Laurentien

  • 2 white colored pencils (one can be from your set)

  • A white eraser

  • A 12 inch ruler

  • A set of 24 felt tip markers

  • Black sharpies (1 fine tip and one ultra fine tip).  Colored sharpies if desired

  • A large glue stick

  • A pair of scissors

  • A good quality pencil sharpener

  • A kit box for your art supplies with your name on it


Recommended Materials:

  • A set of 24 oil pastels

  • A smock (This can be an old shirt or apron)

  • A compass (Usually included with geometry set)



Projects/Assignments: 80%

  • Projects and assignments are evaluated using a variety of criteria which may include: the development of theme through research or art history, the use and control of materials craftsmanship, participation and interest throughout the project, directed analysis/appreciation of their work etc.


Sketchbook: 20%

  • Students will be given a sketchbook assignment each term, which will consist of 4-6 sketches of 45-60 minutes each.  During the course of the term, students will submit their sketchbook for evaluation.  Sketchbook assignments are complete in class between projects, or can be taken home.


Grade 7 Visual Arts

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